Last months of FROG trademark existence were marked by the number of significant events. These first of all had to do with the full closure of production of plastic models and selling molds to Novoexport and Revell. Due to obvious political reasons, US/German manufacturers purchased the largest part of production tools for models of Axis planes (Germany, Italy, Japan), as those were politely declined by Soviets.

Nonetheless, in spite of their departure from Western market, FROG designers were full of ideas and offered partnership with a view to releasing models of soviet planes. If these plans were fully implemented, the assortment of models on the counters of Soviet shops would have looked somehow different from the existing one…

YearNameFROG IndexPacking TypeRelease yearsNotes
1977Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3F308No packaging19771/72
1977Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Gudkov LaGG-3 Srs.10F310No packaging19771/72
1977Yakovlev Yak-3F311No packaging19771/72
1977Anatra DS AnasalF312No packaging19771/72
1977Lavochkin La-5F313No packagingNot released1/72
1977Ilyushin 11-2 "Bark"F314No packagingNot released1/72
1977Tupolev Tu-22 "Blinder"F315No packagingNot released1/72
1977Ilyushin 11-4 "Bob"F316No packagingNot released1/72
1977Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 "Farmer"F317No packagingNot released1/72
1977Yakovlev Yak-1MF318No packagingNot released1/72
1977Polikarpov Po-2 "Mule"F319No packagingNot released1/72
1977Polikarpov 1-153F343No packagingNot released1/72
1977Polikarpov R-5F348No packagingNot released1/72
1977Polikarpov I-16 Type 24BF360No packagingNot released1/72